Why We Created Overrated.

Tired of the superficial, we envisioned a space that challenges conventional beauty norms and exposes the overrated. Our mission is to inspire authenticity, redefine standards, and celebrate the genuine essence that lies beyond the surface in the realms of fashion, lifestyle, and wellness.".

The perception of what is deemed overrated can vary from person to person and is often influenced by individual tastes, preferences, and trends.

Generally, something is considered overrated when it receives more attention, praise, or hype than it might deserve based on its actual value or merits. In the realms of fashion, lifestyle, and wellness, overrated items or trends might include those that are popular merely due to hype, celebrity endorsements, or fleeting fads, rather than genuine quality or substance.

Overrated things are often seen as lacking authenticity or failing to live up to the expectations set by their popularity. It's subjective and depends on individual perspectives and experiences.
